Who We Are

We are living in a world embedded with fear, intolerance, hate, violence and an inability to come together for the common good.

Promote Harmony Founders Mimi Bornstein & Charles Brown learned from personal experience that facing this level of division can feel overwhelming and, oftentimes, we as individuals feel ill-equipped to begin the process of reconciliation.

What We Do

We don’t want to “get it wrong,” hurt one another, or expose ourselves as “naïve.” Mimi & Charles understand that in order to do the real work of diversity, equity and inclusion – we must have these uncomfortable conversations. Avoiding them only perpetuates the very problems we are trying to address.

Promote Harmony taps the creative process of singing as a bridge to having these courageous conversations. We believe that having cross cultural conversations is a courageous act, and that for many, singing together is just as courageous an act. We believe that by singing together we also learn how to be in relationship with each other.

When we sing, we change who we are, and when we change who we are, we change the world. We need EVERY voice as a thread in this sound tapestry, and we need EACH voice in the room. When we learn to create space for this to happen, we are creating harmony from dissonance. One community at a time. One relationship at a time. One voice at a time.

Mimi Bornstein, Promote Harmony Founder


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Our Mission

Promote Harmony’s mission is to help communities, organizations and individuals foster an atmosphere of diversity, equity and inclusion.  We cultivate authenticity in human connections through singing, courageous conversation and learning to create spaces where every voice is heard.

Our Vision

To foster communities where our commonalities are stronger than our differences. We gain confidence by working together towards a shared vision to create a more balanced, just world.

Our Core Values

  • Listening is the first step to creating harmony.
  • Every voice matters and needs to be heard.
  • Courageous conversations can be challenging but are always worth it.
  • We move through dissonance to discover how we blend.

Everybody Speaks. Everybody Sings.

Everybody Speaks.
Everybody Sings.

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